My adventure to Oaks mall

2004년 8월 29일 at 11:02 pm

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Today is a hard day.

I went to Bestbuy for looking and bought a AC-DC adapter.
I saw Miss Benezuella?(I am sorry for my forgetting her name) and say hello to her.
And then, I start to run to Oaks mall.
I didn't know the way to Oaks mall well.
So I straied(place A). After time flies, I met a woman and asked the way, then I found Oaks mall!

After shopping, I was coming back.
I straied again. This coming was too hard.
I went on a wrong way and asked to a woman.
He showed me the way. (place B)
Place C is one of my straied place.
When I found Archer road, I was very very happy.
I runed to Publix, bought a milk and beers, drunk a drum of water and came home.

I was dyeing but my homemates saved me.
They gave me dinner(rice)! It was wonderful! Dinner make me alive.

Today is very tired day..
I will go to ELI class tomorrow morning..
Semester begins!